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Coca contemporary artists symbiosis inte


I pasted labels with words near the artworks, on walls, during the ColomboScope art event in 2015, without permission from anybody. These are the commentaries or words of people, collected mainly during that time, being in the society of individuals and collectives who are consciously or unconsciously connected to the political power networks of the contemporary art making and marketing. People interpreted these labels, based on their personal and collective experiences. For some it was about art making and marketing. Politics of the country and the world. And for others it was a personal insult! A violation of rights and an unethical vandalism! The labels gave words; a vocabulary to divert your thinking. People reacted to the situation and went into a new state where they adopted to the intervention or repelled from the invasion, that is, pasting the text on the walls. So the placed words were not simply a representation of thoughts but a production of thoughts. This thought production created 'performances' of frictions and dialogs among individuals and groups. In this process, 'art' is not a noun it's a verb.

The Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology is a place where you dig into dirt of histories, so to speak. As it is said, it is also a place where professional training and high-level research in archaeology happens. A place for aspiring archaeologists, art historians, heritage managers, archaeological scientists, museologists, anthropologists, and historians. (And now, also artists!) A place which circulates scientific knowledge in archaeology and related subjects among general public to contribute to national development, cultural 'inclusivity', and to the development of human values, ethics and civic sensitiveness in general. 'Title' is presented to the general public placing it in this prestigious venue, where multiple interpretations to the same object is a norm and intellectual story telling is in high intensity. It is a place where you label and title newly found objects.


So now, how do you label the labels and how do you title the 'Title'?

Coca contemporary artists symbiosis inte
Coca contemporary artists symbiosis inte

Art Work By- Poornima Jayasinghe 2016

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