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Coca contemporary artists symbiosis inte

Not any Wall, Not any Bench

Public Art, or Taking Art to the Public is a concept CoCA [Collective of Contemporary Artists] is keenly working on. The aim of CoCA is to make Art accessible, thought provoking, influential and impacting to the public, in an effortless everyday situation.

‘Not any Wall not any Bench’ is a fun interactive art work created by five Artists Chinthaka Thenuwara, Poornima Jayasinghe, Layla Gonaduwa, Branka Ridicky and Lakisha Fernando as a treat for the public. The work is a unique collaboration between professional local and international mixed cultural contemporary visual artists.

Carefully formulated functional installations help the growth of an individual in many ways. It is perceptual, intellectual, emotional, and aesthetically pleasing.

The unique master piece is currently installed At the BMICH [The Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall] Sri Lanka. The work is founded by the Alliance Francaise de kotte. French Spring Festival, scheduled between 21st of July to 29th of July 2013 provides the platform for CoCA Artists to exhibit their Public Art work.

The art work on the wall creates an illusion which represents the change & movement, our individuality or differences merging into whole. The colorful bench symbolizes the co- existence of unique individuals. Sitting together also encourages social, religious and ethnic harmony. It encourages dialog. It encourages openness and acceptance. It is a backdrop and a place for greater tolerance, greater debate, creativity and mindset of our people.

The Art work is the stepping stone for the CoCA ‘Nomads’ ongoing traveling project initiated by the committee members of the CoCA to explore how cultural traditions interact in diverse locations in Sri Lanka.

The next event of the project will be held at the CMC building Pettah on the 8th ,9th and 10th  of August 2013. Which is found by the Goethe-Institut – (The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach).

Future projects will expand to the divers’ locations in Sri Lanka such as Jaffna, Galle fort, Cultural triangle, and the indigenous village Dhabana

Coca contemporary artists symbiosis inte
Coca contemporary artists symbiosis inte
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