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Coca contemporary artists symbiosis inte

Intervention - "Shadow Scenes"

Colombo Scope   2015

Within the current matrix Art objects, events or exhibitions just don‘t appear the way Lotus flower comes out of mud. Art making and marketing has become a set of networks and power relationships between the idea of making art objects, its interpretations and executions.

Within the political, cultural and social environment in which Art making and marketing is develops‘ art acts as a commodity, advertising, fashion and tourism industry . Throughout the history this has become a repeated organized pattern and a global system. My action is to create a dialogue with the entities that involve with this power relation network. A way to overcome, or come into the senses of the power relationships within Art making and marketing. The commentaries collected from close observations of the individuals and collectives who have consciously or unconsciously connected to the network and pasting the commentaries closer to the art work, on the art work and on walls challenges the marketing value of the art object or even the artist, and the event. By doing so creates a relational dialogue in terms of what the situation presents. The situation gives you a vocabulary to think, adopt or not to adapt or move into a situation as a result of the engagement and interaction. This is not simply a representation of thoughts but a production of thoughts. A Production of thought creates a performance among individuals and groups.


Is this performance is another continuation of the repeated pattern of the power, control, authorities which are enforce us within the current social, political and cultural structures?

Coca contemporary artists symbiosis inte
Coca contemporary artists symbiosis inte
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