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 Api - I am because we are 

A community engaging art project initiated by CoCA, (Collective of Contemporary Artists) the first stage of the project is implemented at the Vajira Sri Children’s Development Center (  The project is designed to focus and develop the personal growth in multi- cultural communities by supporting each other and to promote the interconnection between nature, culture and society as sources of knowledge, meanings, values and identity for sustainable development of diverse communities through creative activities.

'Api' is a sub project of the 'SYMBIOSIS' project.

The first stage of the project focused on improving and enhancing Vajira Home's educational, social and ecological environment. For this CoCA engaged with Vajira Home's Community, Artists, and Friends and Supporters of CoCA. With Vajira Home Children, CoCA, initiated an idea to develop an educational and interactive community play-garden which can expand to varied locations and communities. It is for play, to educate and connect communities around Artwork. It is to 'grow'.

Creative play and design ideas for the play-garden was initially developed with the children, taking into consideration children’s own imaginative ideas and needs. The interactive play-garden emphasize on holistic education, life experiences and learning beyond the confines of the classroom and the formal educational environment.


This ongoing project provide a platform for children and adults alike to learn subjects such as Math, Science, Languages etc while engaging with physical and arts base activities. The interactive play garden  provide  platforms to connect communities with recycling processes and practices.

We, the CoCA, are open to network with various organizations and individuals who are interested in engaging with this process, in the spirit of mutual exchange of skills and resources.

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